plugins { id "java" id "maven-publish" } java { withSourcesJar() withJavadocJar() } publishing { publications { mavenJava(MavenPublication) { from artifactId = "znpcsplus-api" pom { name.set("znpcsplus-api") description.set("The API for the ZNPCsPlus plugin") url.set("") } } } repositories { maven { Map systemProperties = System.getenv() credentials { if (systemProperties.containsKey("DIST_USERNAME")) username systemProperties.get("DIST_USERNAME") if (systemProperties.containsKey("DIST_PASSWORD")) password systemProperties.get("DIST_PASSWORD") } // If the BUILD_ID enviroment variable is present that means its a Jenkins build & that it should go into the snapshots repo url = systemProperties.containsKey("BUILD_ID") ? uri("") : uri("") } } }