@file:Suppress("PackageDirectoryMismatch") package de.studiocode.invui.virtualinventory import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack /** * Gets a copy of [ItemStack] placed on that [slot]. */ operator fun VirtualInventory.get(slot: Int): ItemStack? = getItemStack(slot) /** * Adds the given [items] to the inventory. */ operator fun VirtualInventory.plusAssign(items: Iterable) { items.forEach { addItem(null, it) } } /** * Adds the given [item] to the inventory. */ operator fun VirtualInventory.plusAssign(item: ItemStack) { addItem(null, item) } /** * Checks if the [VirtualInventory] contains an [ItemStack] similar to the given [item]. */ operator fun VirtualInventory.contains(item: ItemStack) = containsSimilar(item)